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How healing therapies combatting anxiety, panic, and trauma can improve academic & professional performance among young adults.

Anxiety, panic and stress related disorders effectively reduce an individual’s mental functioning. These conditions are associated and directly produce symptoms such as confusion, directly affect memory, motivation, and show co-morbidities with psychiatric illnesses like depression, mood disorders, and various other disorders. Aatmikk: specializing in integrative therapies for holistic healing.

Healing therapies targeting anxiety, trauma and panic can effectively improve an individual’s overall mental performance and result in their professional and academic performance being improved. The aforementioned conditions are illnesses within their own right and require expertise and knowledge that relatively few can provide. While important to seek immediate treatment & resolution, there is also a requirement for short term and long term planning, for resolution not only via development of the abilities for the individual. Enabling changes and positive developments to the circumstances of an individual affected by anxiety, panic and trauma. Aatmikk: active use of healing crystals among one of the various methodologies incorporated in our services.

Healing methodologies addressing anxiety:

–   Trauma release therapies: Trauma release therapies enable release and effective addresses of trauma that affects individuals. Specifically, the therapeutic approach targets memories and attempts to enable effective processing and resolution of these memories. The processing of these memories and experiences can enable the development of closure.

–   Energy healing: Energy healing therapies can result in revitalization and have healing benefits in terms of providing benefits towards increasing an individual’s life force. Energy healing techniques allow for healing, meditative states and hypnotherapeutic benefits, thus enabling effective growth and healing for conditions like anxiety, stress and panic.

–   Counselling: Counselling for anxiety, panic, and trauma can effectively enable benefits, growth and progress for individuals. Counselling provides several mechanisms for those that are afflicted with stress, panic and anxiety. Peace of mind solutions: a solution at Aatmikk, where collective expertise and experience enables progress and relief for individuals.

–   Age regression therapy: Age regression therapy is useful for targeting incidents and transformative events that have detrimentally and often, have left a significant impact and imprint on individuals. Dealing with childhood experiences, formative years, is the effective mechanism of the basis of an individual’s formative experiences. Many of the issues such as anxiety, stress, and panic are resulting from an individual’s childhood & formative experiences. The addresses, processing of these memories and formative years, is thus crucial towards effective therapeutic resolution for many. Healing from past traumas has a direct beneficial impact on an individuals overall well-being and the effect is also extending to their personal and professional lives.

–   Adressal of childhood issues: Due to the unique experiences and nature of every individual’s childhood, addresses of an individual’s childhood can enable effective and resolution for those afflicted with anxiety, panic and stress related disorders and symptoms. Often various personal events, occurring during an individual’s childhood have the ability to manifest themselves as stress, panic, anxiety within the current phases and stages of an individual’s life. Therapies for mental wellness also resort to targeting and addressing childhood issues of individuals. 


Anxiety, panic and related disorders exist on a spectrum for various individuals, yet their effects are collectively detrimental for every pursuit in the personal and professional realm. Young adults face unchanging and uncertain times, coupled with pressures from various aspects and can benefit from therapies, healing and practitioner based approaches for these conditions, especially if they require intervention for these disorders/conditions.